ECI pilot

The ECI Greece project Work Package 2, “Impact assessment of new ECI model in Greece” includes the development of training material and training sessions for seven Greek service providers based on the Portuguese model of ECI as described in the manual “Recommended Practices in Early Childhood Intervention: A guidebook for professionals“. The service providers were chosen carefully to include different legal entities (public and not-for-profit ECI service providers), encompass different disability areas, and equally distribute the sample geographically. The selected pilot providers were the following: the ECI department of the Social Welfare of Crete, the ECI department of the Social Welfare of Attica-Michalinio, ECI department of the Aglaia Kyriakou hospital, the Theotokos Foundation and the NGOs ELEPAP, Amimoni, and PEGKAP-NY.

Each pilot organisation followed a train-the-trainers in March 2022 (that you can find under this section of the website) and implemented family-centred methodologies for a year, further training their staff and introducing or strengthening the family-centred model in their work with children and parents. International and local experts provided further training along the pilot process and supported the service providers in identifying opportunities and overcoming implementation challenges.

An assessment report was compiled at the end of the pilot implementation to measure the impact of the piloting of the ECI project within the seven selected service providers. The report evaluates the effectiveness of the pilot methodologies and the trainings in implementing a new family-centred ECI model in the selected pilot providers.